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The background of MCP Pulse
Founded in 1948 in Cleveland, Ohio, PAVCO has been a leading force in the development and supply of chemistries for the metal finishing industry. In 1990, PAVCO expanded its reach to the international market, supplying products to finishers across Europe, Asia, and South America. Over time, PAVCO established itself as the world’s leading supplier of zinc finishing technology.
PAVCO's commitment to research and development has resulted in an unmatched portfolio of products designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry. The company has introduced groundbreaking technologies for nickel plating, trivalent chromium plating, and trivalent passivation for zinc and zinc alloys, as well as advanced sealers and topcoats.
MPC, Micropulse Plating Concepts, a French company founded in 1999, is specialized in industrial-specific solutions for applications in surface treatment and wastewater treatment.
From design to manufacturing with laboratory and Online CVS analysers for the control, through the recovery units for precious and base metals, insoluble patented anodes and the treatment of effluents of these baths, MPC covers all applications induced by surface treatment baths.
MPC has also expanded into the field of UVC, specialising in the treatment of industrial effluents and the disinfection of process water and plating baths.
MPC offers UVC solutions for water treatment (disinfection, potabilization, water quality maintenance, effluent treatment, etc.). We operate in a wide range of industries: aeronautics, automotive, pharmaceuticals, surface treatment, WWTPs, petrochemicals, local authorities, etc. With our UVC technologies, we can help you treat the entire life cycle of your water (distribution, storage, production, discharge, etc.). We can assist you in every step of your project, from implementation to operation and maintenance.
MPC, with its R & D team, has developed and patented its product lines to ensure the best efficiency and quality.
Featuring a specialized laboratory and a highly efficient technical team, with its experience of more than 25 years of, MPC can assist you and provide you with the best solution for your needs.
MPC's Pulse products
- Laboratory and Online CVS analysers are used for the control of the plating baths application.
- Recovery units for precious and base metals.
- Treatment of industrial effluents (Chemical Industry / Pharmacy / Agriculture / Food…)
- UVc solutions for: water disinfection, water potabilization, water quality maintenance, Rinse water, Electroplating solutions and Chemical baths.
- Technologies: Underwater Lamps (Microspear®) or UV reactor.
CVS part:
CVSmart®: Laboratory CVS analyser. Our most popular CVS (Cyclic Voltametry Stripping) analyzer. This unit is available in manual mode or with automatic dosing of the reagent during the analysis of your organic plating additives. The CVSmart® is using a three electrodes system to perform the CVS analysis :
- An adjustable speed rotating electrode with a platinum tip as a working electrode
- An Ag/AgCl reference electrode
- A Platinum wire as an auxiliary electrode
The unit is capable of analysing the three different additives from your plating baths :
- Suppressor (Carrier, Wetter or Leveler)
- Brightener
- Leveler
Thanks to its compact design, the CVSmart® saves room on your laboratory bench and with its carry-on trolley can be moved easily to different sites.
DOSmart®: The DOSmart® works together with the CVSmart®.
Automatic delivery of:
- Intercept Solution
- Support Electrolyte / Solution
- Calibration and Bath Sample Solution
- Standard Solution of Brightener and Leveler
Automatic preparation of:
- Intercept Solution and Support Electrolyte / Solution
T100: Multiple Samples CVS Analyzer. This is our Lab CVS analyser, which is designed to allow the process of multiple samples. The unit can perform the CVS analysis up to 17 samples depending on the application. The T100 is completely automatic during the run of the analysis. Once the operator prepares the different solutions (Reagents and Samples) the unit will do all the analysis without any human action. The T100 will analyze the Carrier, Brightener and Leveler of your plating baths.
LineSmart®8000: It is an electrochemical analyzer for online monitoring. It automatically and continuously analyzes organic additives to ensure your chemical process control. The LineSmart® 8000 is our latest CVS (Cyclic Voltametry Stripping) system. This unit is designed to monitor continuously the organic additives of your electroplating bath. The LineSmart® 8000 is all-in-one equipment with its three electrodes system, pumps, precise auto dosing syringes units and valve. The unit is fully controlled by PC and PLC which makes the operators only check the results of the CVS analysis. It can also be linked to the line PLC and therefore optimize the replenishment of the additives. This instrument analyses automatically and continuously the organics additives as well as Copper, Sulfuric Acid and Chloride directly from the plating line. The LineSmart® 8000 series is the perfect tool to ensure constant online chemical process control. With this CVS device, you will always be in control of your additives.
UV part: Our solutions ® (technologies) are patented
Microspear®: Designed to be integrated directly into baths and tanks. This allows for extended contact time for increased efficiency. Microspear® allows disinfection below the water level. There are three versions (from 15 W to 120 W) to adapt to all types of configurations. Our fixed system is independent and submerged.
Microfloat®: Developed to be integrated directly into the tanks. This allows for a prolonged contact time for increased efficiency. Microfloat® allows 360° disinfection below and above the water level. There are two versions, which makes it possible to adapt to all types of configurations, with open or closed tanks. Our floating system is independent and regulates itself according to the water level.
PPH or PEHD UV®reactor: Specially designed for Chemical / Plating applications_ solutions adapt to your objectives to treat a very wide range of flow rates (1 to 2 000 m3/h) and a wide spectrum of solutions. They serve to disinfect industrial process water (rinsing, washing, recycling, etc.), water before discharge or even storage water. You can connect our reactors to your electrical cabinets (with dedicated ballasts) or we can provide you with a “turnkey” system (cabinet + installation).
Stainless steel UV reactors: The stainless steel reactor range can respond to a wider spectrum of issues and be used in specific sectors (food industry, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) and difficult conditions (T°C, pressure, material compatibility, etc.). It can also be used for the production of ultra-pure water and equipment protection (osmosis, filtration, etc.). Advantage: approval of material and UV sanitary conformity for water purification and drinking water treatment (spring water, borehole water). Flow rate up to 2 200 m3/h
ACS® UV reactor: Capable of treating up to 1,000 m³/h of water.
Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP): The water treatment of rejects and industrial effluents is a major issue for industries in a very regulated context. In order to eliminate the most resistant and harmful molecules, such as cyanides or complexants (for metals or organics), the treatment by Advanced Oxidation (AOP) remains the most effective and economical. Our solution of Advanced Oxidation (AOP) associates the use of UV radiation with the hydrogen peroxide H2O2. (The best oxidant and the most powerful) Unlike disinfection, the UV power used for this application is much higher, reaching several kilowatts, thanks to our patented UV reactors using the RECO technology. This solution, turn-key and easy to use, also contributes to the optimization of the environmental approach for industrial companies.
Many and various fields of applications are:
- Surface treatment
- Chemical industry
- Food-processing industry
- Pharmacy
- Aeronautics
- Automobile
Molecules or types of products that we are capable of handling:
- Phenols, Aromatic Compounds
- Amino Compounds, Polyamines
- Polymers
- Oil, emulsions
- Hypophosphites
- Cyanides
- Hormones (Pharmacy)
- Morpholine
MCP’s Pulse bestselling products include:
- For CVS parts – The best sellers are the CVSmart® and LineSmart®.
- For UV Parts – The best sellers are Microspear® & Microfloat® UV® reactor.
- NiClipse C – A chloride zinc-nickel plating system.
- HyProTec – High-performance trivalent chromium passivates for zinc and zinc-nickel.
Unique features or benefits of our products/services that set us apart from our competitors are:
CVSmart®: Compact Design, Original manufacturer with R&D capacity, ease-of-use, maintenance and parts replacement simplified, cost
T100: Fresh DI water rinsing of the electrodes in between analysis, maintenance and parts replacement simplified, cost
LineSmart®8000: Maintenance and parts replacement simplified, cost
Microspear® & Microfloat®: We were the first to offer submerged UVC disinfection technologies. What's more, our products are reliable and long-lasting, with installations over 10 years old that are operational without retrofitting.
MicroUV®Basic reactor: With our MicroUV®Basic reactors, we offer a patented technology, called Rotaclean®, which automatically cleans the quartz and ensures a helical water flow to optimise disinfection. The Rotaclean® is activated automatically by the flow of water through the reactor.
Stainless steel UV reactors: Our entire stainless steel range is guaranteed to be of the highest quality in 316 L stainless steel and is made in France.
To find out more, download our MCP UV Technology brochure here.
Access all the essential MPC UV Technology materials in one place. Visit their website to find out more.