We offer the disinfection of industrial waters, Hybrid UV Disinfection of air-refrigeration towers and AOP treatment of industrial discharges and effluents.

UV disinfection is a process intended to inactivate human pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. These have the potential to be present before receiving proper disinfection. Through the use of our UV Disinfection Equipment, we are able to inactivate these human pathogens.
Contact us to find out more about:
- Disinfection of industrial waters
- Hybrid UV disinfection of air-refrigeration towers
- AOP treatment of industrial discharges and effluents

Explore our UV disinfection brochure and discover how MPC’s advanced Microspear® and Microfloat® technologies deliver efficient, sustainable solutions across a wide range of industries.
From submerged to in-line systems, our UVc products are designed to adapt to diverse operational needs, providing effective treatment for water in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, mobility, and surface treatment. With innovative features like our exclusive ROTACLEAN® system and flexible installation options, MPC’s UV solutions help you optimise water quality, enhance safety, and reduce environmental impact.
Download the brochure to learn more about how we can tailor our systems to meet your specific requirements.