SOLDERON™ MHS-W is a high speed, non-foaming electroplating process for the rapid deposition of fine grain, matte tin and tin-lead alloy coatings from an organic sulfonate electrolyte. The process is particularly designed for use in wire plating equipment where foaming of the electrolyte is undesirable and can cause severe handling problems. The Solderon MHS-W system is based on a grain refining agent which does not produce a stable foam in the electrolyte, even under extreme agitation conditions.
Material Features:
- Components remain stable and soluble in the electrolyte at elevated temperatures, allowing for use of higher cathodic current densities
- Its pure tin and tin-lead alloy deposits exhibit excellent solderability and fusing characteristics, and are obtainable over a wide current density range
- Effective treatment can be achieved with standardised neutralisation and filtration procedures
- It is a non-fluoborate and non-foaming electrolyte
- It can achieve high deposition rates
- Solderon MHS-W offers excellent thickness distribution and alloy stability over a wide current density range