Ferropas 7578 is a reliable inhibitor for the protection of iron surfaces in hydrochloric acid picklings and is therefore especially recommended for the use in hot galvanising plants.
Ferropas 7578 is highly efficient even in a low concentration and therefore
very economical in use.
Ferropas 7578 reduces both the introduction of iron and the acid consumption
and therefore makes possible longer retention periods of the pickling solution.

Product Features:
Ferropas 7578 is a reliable inhibitor for the protection of iron surfaces in hydrochloric acid picklings and is therefore especially recommended for the use in hot galvanising plants.
Ferropas 7578 is highly efficient even in a low concentration and therefore
very economical in use.
Ferropas 7578 reduces both the introduction of iron and the acid consumption
and therefore makes possible longer retention periods of the pickling solution.